Provide Shelter


Dadoo Foundation works to prevent all forms of violence, abuse and neglect towards children. We help make and keep children safe, whether they are refugees, migrants, live in institutions or other forms of alternative care, are exploited, even within their own communities and homes.

Girls and boys in every country of the world face abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence. Every five minutes a child dies as a result of violence. Up to 1.5 billion children experience violence annually, over 1 billion children live in countries or territories affected by armed conflict and 33 million children are on the move. Three out of four children experience violent discipline at home, 1 in 5 adolescent girls aged 15 to 19 are currently married, and 85 million children are involved in harmful work.

To protect children, we work with governments, international organizations, and local community partners to implement progressive laws and policies, change detrimental social and cultural practices, and improve the capacity of communities to protect children.

An important part of child protection work is the participation and leadership of the children themselves. We actively support child clubs and other child-led activities that empower and educate children to keep themselves safe and defend their rights.


Children should have a safe place to sleep, but many do not. We are helping children living on the streets find shelter.

More details coming soon on how you can help us with this important cause.

Call Us 703-626-7445 or email

We are committed to providing excellent service.